Start Me Up!
Last month, the Start Up Intensive (SUI) contacted M4M about participating in this year's cohort. The Start-Up Intensive is a 10-week program, 3 days each week dedicated to launching business ideas from Central Wyoming College and Silicon Couloir. The SUI saw our group as one that serves a unique need and wanted M4M to consider the ways that we could increase membership and our impact in this community. Not surprisingly, our fearless leader, Kirsten Farney, jumped at the opportunity to participate! With a scholarship from SUI and a contribution from an anonymous donor, we were on our way.
SUI participants were asked to consider their "why" and dig deep into their values as they created their "elevator speech." If you run into a person on an elevator and have only a few minutes to explain M4M to them, what would you say? Kirsten's speech goes something like this:
"Mindfulness for Mamas was born out of a dream to make more of a love-spreading difference in the lives of mothers in our community. We know that isolation, overload of information and lack of affirmation are some of the hardest parts of motherhood. M4M supports the well-being of mothers by gathering in a safe, non-judgmental space and providing mothers of all ages and stages access to mindful practices. Together, we empower each other to love and care for ourselves, and discover our own unique ways to spread that love and care to our families and communities."
As Kirsten explains it, although M4M is a specific program geared toward a specific audience, it grew out of our broader faith and our hope that Love will continue to be a relevant force in modern society. For our faith asks us not to proselytize but to go out and make the world a better place---to connect, to listen, to support. In short, instead of talking the talk, we want to walk the walk. By doing so, we hope to de-stigmatize the traditional image of communities of faith and introduce it anew as a vital source of connective tissue in our community. M4M is our first attempt to do just that. We hope that you are with us!